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Patient Experience: Power Pass

The purpose of the Power Pass:

The purpose of the power pass is to turn the patient over to the financial coordinator, giving the financial coordinator all of the information that is needed regarding treatment and the agreement that the doctor and patient have reached about doing the treatment and when treatment should begin. The end result of a great power pass is a patient who works with the Financial Coordinator to find a way to pay for treatment and begins treatment right away!

Steps of the Power Pass:

1.Doctor introduces the patient to the Financial Coordinator and tells the patient that the Financial Coordinator will be handling the financial aspects of the case
2.The Doctor re-states the treatment, the need for the treatment and the patient’s/parent’s agreement to have the treatment done
3.The Doctor instructs the Financial Coordinator to work with the patient to create a plan that will allow the patient to enter into treatment as soon as possible – ideally to start records today
4.The Doctor makes an agreement with the Financial Coordinator and the patient for the next appointment time, with a deadline. He/she lets the patient/parent know that they will look forward to seeing them before_________________________ (deadline given)
5.Doctor tells the Financial Coordinator that he is going to finish up with a few more measurements and then the Clinical Assistant will bring the patient/parent to the Consultation Room
6.Doctor completes the sizing process
7.Clinical Assistant take the patient/parent to the Consultation Room

Sample Script for the Power Pass – Adult Patients:

1.“Hi Amanda, perfect timing! Amanda this is Karen. Karen, this is Amanda. Amanda is our office expert on handling the financial side of treatment – she is also our insurance expert!”

2.“Amanda, I have examined Karen, reviewed her CBVT scan, talked with her about the information she provided on the Sleep Questionnaire, and her Home Sleep Test and based on all of this information I am concerned about Karen’s airway, the development of her upper and lower jaws and her sleep. The good news is that Karen is an excellent candidate for the Vivos treatment system. Karen and I agree that it is very important to get started in treatment right away – in fact, once you have gone over the financial aspects of the case and how her insurance may be able to help, I would like to get started today with a few more diagnostic records.”

3.“So please work with Karen on how her insurance may be able to help her out and once you are done, we will get the remainder of her records completed so that we move forward with treatment.”

4.“Karen – we will see you back here after you have talked with Amanda. It will take us about 20 minutes to take a digital impression of your teeth so that we can get your treatment started. Work with Amanda to handle the financial details!”

Sample Script for the Power Pass – Child Patients:

1. “Hi Amanda, perfect timing! Amanda this is Karen and her son Bobby. Karen, this is Amanda. Amanda is our office expert on handling the financial side of treatment – she is also our insurance wizard!”

2. “Amanda, I have examined Bobby, reviewed his CBVT scan, talked with his mom about the information she provided on the Sleep Questionnaire and based on all of this information I am concerned about Bobby’s airway, the development of his upper and lower jaws and airway. The good news is that Bobby is an excellent candidate for the Vivos treatment system. Karen and I agree that it is very important to get Bobby started in treatment right away – in fact, once you have gone over the financial aspects of the case and how her insurance may be able to help, I would like get started today.”

3. “So please work with Karen on how her insurance may be able to help her out and once you are done, we will get the remainder of Bobby’s records completed so that we can order his appliance.”

4. “Karen – we will see you and Bobby back here after you have talked with Amanda. It will take us about 15 minutes to take a digital impression of Bobby’s teeth so that we can get his appliance ordered. Work with Amanda to handle the financial details so we can get started!”

After the Power Pass has been done and final clinical data has been charted, the Clinical Assistant should take the patient to a private area to discuss the financial aspects of treatment with the Financial Coordinator. As they get ready to leave the treatment room, the Clinical Assistant should say, “You can leave your coat/belongings here in the room, we will be coming back here to get started with treatment”. This sets the expectation that the patient will be starting treatment today!

How Long it Really Takes to Build a New Habit

On average, it takes more than 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact. Keep practicing the power pass. It will not only improve your patient experience but it will also improve your case acceptance. This requires a team effort so review this together and practice together