Taking Patient Records vector image

Taking Patient Records

When a person becomes a candidate for treatment, you will need to consider what records you will need assembling a treatment plan. Remembering all the records you will need is sometimes difficult. To help you we have included with this email a few tools to help you improve your patient flow and experience.

ICSM Clinical records Guide
Records needed to upload a New Patient
Intra – Extra Oral Photos Guide

Compiling all these records will not only be used throughout the course of treatment to track progress over time, but they also become part of a person’s dental records.

Don't Forget

An office should review records before they upload them into VivosCloud. The staff and doctors should examine these records. Ensuring that the photos uploaded are of high quality(appropriate size and resolution) is the responsibility of the office. Reviewing records before uploading them will reduce errors, the amount of time it takes to get an AI report back, and not cause a delay in treatment.

When will this become a habit?

On average, it takes more than 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact.

Measuring how long it takes for a new habit to form can vary widely depending on the behavior, the person, and the circumstances. Don’t give up – use your resources. You can call the help desk or your Practice Advisor for additional support and help.

One last resource for you – A short video on how to set up a New Patient in vCloud

Watch How to Set Up a New Patient in Cloud